How To Become a Dietitian in Australia

So, You Want to Become a Dietitian? Here’s what To Expect at Uni, Getting Accredited and Beyond Updated March 2022 So, you think you want to become a dietitian?! This blog is a crash course for any aspiring dietitians that are currently in high school, prospective mature-aged students and anyone in between who is looking […]

How to Become a Sports Dietitian in Australia?

Updated March 2022 So, you’re thinking of becoming a sports dietitian. You’ve done your research and want to get the ball rolling, but there’s one problem – you have no idea which course to enrol in. Luckily, there are a few options open to you depending on your specific goals, budget and needs. To help […]

Paediatric Nutrition Courses: What You Need to Know

Updated March 2022 Are you an Accredited Practising Dietitian or student Dietitian thinking about specialising in Paediatric Nutrition? Wondering what sort of paediatric nutrition courses are available? Or maybe you’re already working in paeds and are looking for paediatric nutrition courses to extend your knowledge and skills? Either way, we’ve got you covered. We’ve done […]

What’s the Difference Between a Dietitian and Nutritionist?

Even though it might not look like it on the surface, there is a major difference between dietitians and nutritionists. Which one you should opt for really depends on what you’re looking in a dietary professional. It also depends on if you want to combine a few different professionals trained in various areas, or if […]

Becoming a Dietitian in Australia: Courses, Salary, Jobs!

Becoming A Dietitian In Australia

Updated March 2022 Being a dietitian in Australia and having a job as a dietitian can be incredibly rewarding, as it allows you the opportunity to have a massive positive impact on the lives of others. There are a lot of reasons to become a dietitian and the dietitian profession is a vast one with […]

Want to Start a Private Practice Business After Graduating? Here Are My Two Cents

Soooo many students get out of university thinking that the hard part is over and that once they start their own private practice, they’ll be choosing their hours, earning more money and flying to the Bahamas for a holiday every year. It’s something that, in my opinion, universities don’t prepare you for enough. The harsh […]

How To Become a Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE) in Australia

If you’re a dietitian with a taste for Diabetes management, you may have considered becoming a Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE)… But do you really know what it takes to become one? We wrote this blog for any dietitians out there who would like to dig deeper into the world of Diabetes and be able to […]

So, You’ve Graduated – Now What?

Dietitian Life Podcast

Now, faced with the troublesome task of making a decision that will vastly impact your future career – the next big question is, where do you start?

How To Create SMART Goals For Clients

Client Tips For Creating Smart Goals

When it comes to behaviour change theory, the success of individuals with SMART goals has long been documented. Clients that have a SMART goal for their health are more likely to reach a positive outcome compared to those with a wish or a dream. The development of SMART goals in a dietetic setting has been […]

How to Set Yourself Apart as a Dietitian

Forging a successful career as a dietitian is no walk in the park. As any experienced professional will tell you, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to set yourself apart in such a competitive industry. However, if helping people live their healthiest, happiest lives is your passion, don’t be discouraged by the […]

Do You Want to Be a Sports Dietitian? Here’s What You Need to Know

Updated March 2022 Are you passionate about health? Does the thought of helping athletes reach their goals excite and motivate you? If so, then a career as a sports dietitian could be for you. But whether you’re thinking about what you want to do after high school or considering a career change, there are a […]

Stop Cornering Yourself Off from Opportunities

We receive so many messages from dietitians or students saying they only want to work in a hospital or only want to be a sports dietitian or only want to work in private practice. Then when we ask them if they’ve experienced all of the work environments, they’ll often say no. Stop cornering yourself from […]

Why It’s Important to Never Stop Learning as a Dietitian

When it comes to working as a dietitian, your education doesn’t stop when you finish your degree. In fact, a key element of creating a long and successful career as a dietitian is the willingness to seek out new opportunities for growth. Really, you never stop learning. There are many different reasons for this, all […]

How to Avoid Burn Out as a Dietitian

Imagine this, you’re a professional dietitian. It’s the role you’ve wanted for years. You’ve spent countless hours studying and working towards this career path and now that you’ve been doing it for a while you aren’t as happy as you thought you’d be. So, what gives? The good news is that this feeling doesn’t necessarily […]

The Difference Between Clinical and Private Practice Dietetics


This week, we’ve been asked to give our insight on the difference between clinical and private practice dietetics. So, to get the ball rolling… Let’s just start by saying there is no difference! As a private practice dietitian, you are STILL providing valuable clinical advice. Assuming that most people mean a hospital setting when they talk about […]

How To Find A Dietitian?

There is a lot of contradictory advice online and through social media regarding food and health. To avoid confusion and ensure you are receiving the best quality of care, seek out an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). They are the qualified professionals in all things nutrition and can offer you the support, education and guidance required […]

FAQs About Finding a Job as a Dietitian

Are you a dietitian or a new graduate looking for work? Finding a job as a Dietitian can be a tricky task! Here are some questions we’ve received that relate specifically to different dietitian roles, work environments and job opportunities that may be able to help you too. FAQ’s on Finding a Job as a […]

5 Helpful Tips and Resources All Student Dietitians Need to Know

The process of becoming a dietitian is hard work. Lots of studying, hours of placement and a commitment to your field is all part and parcel when you want to help people live their healthiest, happiest lives. But that doesn’t mean you have to do the hard-yards alone. Today, we thought we’d share with you […]

Our 5 Top Pieces of Advice for Student Dietitians

Student Dietitians, listen up! Now that you know our go-to resources, we thought we’d share with you some of the most important things we learned while studying to be a dietitian. Keep in mind that many of the above resources can be used to help you master these important tips. Attend workshops As you’ve probably […]

Why You Should Quit Your Nutrition Degree

Yes we all know that every member of the general public could probably benefit from a consultation with a dietitian – I am sure I could probably teach something to even the most well educated member of the public. Plus, with the obesity epidemic and all the other related and unrelated nutritional issues we are […]

Why We Have Been Successful

It’s safe to say Fuel Your Life has had quite an amount of success over the last 12 months. For starters we took home two national awards; the Optus MyBusiness Award for Health Service Business of the Year as well as Best Health Improvement Services Business award at the Australian Small Business Champion Awards. We […]

How To Optimize Warfarin Nutrition Strategies

Strategies Dietitians Can Implement to Optimise Warfarin Therapy We all know of warfarin as our blood-thinning medication, but how many of us know the specific nutrition considerations when it comes to treating clients who are taking warfarin? Warfarin’s anticoagulant capacity is used in the treatment of thromboembolic events including atrial fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary […]

Kidney Stones – Do Dietitians Have a Role?

Kidney stones are extremely painful stones that are caused by an inability of the body to excrete waste products effectively due to issues with kidney function or an excess accumulation. They are more common in western societies, due to the influence of the diet, and have a high reoccurrence rate of 35-50% over 5 years. […]

The Effect of Nutrition on Mental Health

During one of my consults last week a client asked me “does what we eat really have a significant impact on mental health conditions?”.  My answer was a huge YES – the effect of nutrition on mental health is massive!  Our food choices have a direct effect on our mood, either contributing to symptoms of […]

Differentiating Between Food Allergies and Intolerances to Inform Nutrition Therapy

Whilst the clinical presentations between food allergies and intolerances are similar, we as dietitians must be able to correctly distinguish between the two, as they require contrasting diagnostic confirmation and therapy. To begin, let us first familiarise ourselves with the symptoms of each. The main confusion lies between accurately differentiating between mild allergic reactions and […]

Research Finds Social Media Influencers Give Wrong Nutrition Advice 90% of Time

So the stats are in! It’s true, social media influencers give wrong nutrition advice 90% of the time… The Report A team from the University of Glasgow has conducted a new study that found 90% of leading bloggers from the UK are making weight management claims that are full of inaccurate and untrustworthy information. The […]

Research Topic: Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements for Bone Health

Should Dietitians Be Recommending Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements to Optimise Bone Health? It is well established that calcium is one of the fundamental minerals making up the bone matrix. Thus, it is important we are ensuring that our clients are consuming adequate dietary calcium to counteract natural calcium losses and bone turnover. If this […]

Research Topic: Nutrient Deficiencies in those with Coeliac Disease

coeliac disease

Kreutz et al (2020), ‘Narrative Review: Nutrient Deficiencies in Adults and Children with Treated and Untreated Celiac Disease’, Nutrients, 12(2): 500 A new review article has been published this year examining the common nutrient deficiencies present upon diagnosis with coeliac disease and those persisting at follow up after commencement of a gluten-free diet.  Nutrient deficiencies […]

Research Topic: NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)


There is no arguing that we, as dietitians, value the importance of living a healthy, active lifestyle to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. By doing so, we can minimise our clients’ risk of chronic health disease onset. Stemming from this, however, is the question of whether we place as much value on Non-Exercise Activity […]

The Link Between Food and Cognitive Health (Alzheimer’s Disease)

Alzheimer's Disease

A recent study from Iowa State University has shown that the food you eat can impact your memory and subsequent risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. Individuals with high levels of the satiety hormone CCK had a 65% decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease! Further research is being conducted into how diet effects CCK and other satiety hormone […]

Study Links Healthy Eating to Decreased Risk of Cardiovascular Death


A recent study has found that, out of all cardiovascular deaths in Europe over the last ten years, almost half (49%) could have been prevented with better nutrition! This just reiterates what us Dietitians have been saying for years – let food be thy medicine! When it comes to good nutrition for heart health, we […]

New Study Reveals Public Confusion Between Allergies and Food Intolerance

Food Intolerance

A recent survey has estimated 1 in 10 adults have a food allergy, but twice as many (1 in 5) think they do. When asked about their symptoms, many people were actually describing a possible food intolerance, rather than a true allergy. The public’s confusion between a food allergy vs. intolerance has heightened in recent […]

Gratitude Linked to Healthier Eating in New Study

New research in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology has discovered that gratitude can lead to healthier eating habits. The Study In the study, researchers split up 1,017 ninth- and tenth-grade students into four groups. Each group spent five minutes per week, over the course of a month, writing a gracious letter to someone who […]

Lyrica Linked to Depression and Suicides


The sinister side-effects of prescription medications. Lyrica is used widely in populations with simple neural pain such a sciatica to the complex needs of clients with peripheral neuropathy. A new study shows that Lyrica is linked to depression and suicides. Once considered a safer alternative to Opioids for pain relief, it has now come to […]

High Salt Diet may Kill off Good Gut Bacteria

High Salt

New data suggests that high salt consumption may prove fatal to certain gut bacteria, and that this could contribute to high blood pressure and diseases affecting the immune system. But how does salt upset our body’s delicate balance? Scientists are already aware of a link between high blood pressure and a diet high in salt, […]

Exercise and Diet Apps Shown to Improve Youth Health

Youth Health

With concerns of digital technology harming youth health, a new study from the University of Birmingham says that mobile applications focused on exercise, diet and wellness promote their overall well-being and act as effective learning tools. The Study The study showed that young people are “critical participants” of digital health technologies and are able to judge […]

Wholegrains Shown to be Superior to Refined Grains


If you choose to eat grains, then here’s some really interesting research showing yet another benefit of why you should be eating wholegrains over refined grains. NOTE: there is no law that says you have to – only guidelines! The positive link with wholegrains and weight regulation is likely from the fibre and is a […]

Pregnancy Nutrition: Impact of Nutrition on Development of Babies

Pregnancy Nutrition

According to new research, women hoping to conceive should follow a healthy diet for years in preparation. Apparently, pregnancy nutrition has shown to impact the development of babies. A new study led by researchers at The University College of London has revealed the importance of a healthy and consistent diet when it comes to motherhood. […]

Why Personal Trainers Shouldn’t Give Nutrition Advice

Qualified fitness trainers certainly know how to do a workout correctly, but do they know what we should be eating? Should they be giving nutrition advice? You don’t have to go too deep into social media to find a personal trainer offering both fitness programs AND “Personalised Diet Plans” – sounds like a winning combo, […]

Diabetes Management Improved by Weekly Nutrition Education

Diabetes Management

New research points to nutritional education and dietary changes as best for Diabetes management, rather than just prescription medication according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Researchers from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine held free nutrition classes in their offices after working hours for groups of […]

Chromium Supplementation May Reduce Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes

Everybody wants a quick fix with nutrition. These easy options rarely exist, but in terms of managing or reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, chromium supplementation may be an option that provides benefits without taking much willpower. A review of 25 RCTs found that on average, Chromium supplementation reduced HbA1C by 0.55% and fasting […]

The Link Between Macular Degeneration and Diet

According to new research from the Krieger Eye Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, a poor diet has been placed amongst smoking, age and family history as the main risk factors for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). According to an ophthalmologist at Krieger Eye Institute, patients who eat high-fat, high-cholesterol diets have a higher risk of developing macular […]

Fatty Fish Linked to Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Heart Disease

According to a new study published in the Journal of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, consuming fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring, up to four times a week may help increase the amount of good cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. The Study For the study, around 100 men and women […]

Parkinson’s Disease may be Prevented by Eating Fish

Parkinson's Disease

A new study from Chalmers University of Technology has revealed a surprising link between a protein found in fish (β-parvalbumin) and the prevention of Parkinson’s disease. The protein, β-parvalbumin, which is interestingly also a common allergen found in fish, has been shown to prevent the formation of toxic fibres throughout the human body which contribute to […]

Could Vitamin D Supplements Treat IBS?

An interesting new review has come out demonstrating that people with IBS are likely to be deficient in vitamin D! There is also evidence to suggest that supplementation with vitamin D may significantly reduce the symptoms in those who were deficient. The sample sizes available were too small for this to be 100% conclusive, however […]

Why choose an Accredited Practising Dietitian?

Food is essential for life and has a central role in all aspects of health. Your eating style will be a reflection of many factors from early learning, environmental cues and current health goals. An Accredited Practising Dietitian understands not only the impact of nutrition on health but the values you hold and the relationship […]

High Levels of Toxins found in Vegan Protein Supplements

According to a new study from The Clean Label Project, an American non-profit organisation that investigates the safety and claims of labels, a good portion of the most popular protein supplements may have unsafe levels of metals and toxins. In fact, out of the 134 products tested, more than 90% contained detectable levels of at […]

Paleo Diet Inaccurate According to New Study

New research suggests that the controversial Paleo Diet should be incorporating more fish, rather than red meat. A new study from Lund University in Sweden has revealed that importance of red meat in the Paleo Diet has most likely been exaggerated. . The researchers at Lund examined Stone Age, skeletal remains from 82 individuals, and found […]

Omega-3 Supplementation Effectiveness Questioned by New Study

“There is evidence that taking omega-3 capsules does not reduce heart disease, stroke or death.”⠀ ⠀ These findings will throw a spanner into the nutrition world. ⠀ ⠀ As you will find however, it does not show that it will worsen the effect either. So people don’t necessarily have to stop. But like many other […]

Things Clients Say to Dietitians

Whether it’s your clients saying “I want to look like Jason Momoa” or “I want to look like Kylie Jenner.” Or getting diet advice from a Yogi or their Mum’s best friend… There’s never a dull moment being dietitians, is there? Having worked in Private Practice for a long time now, we have certainly heard […]

Vayner Day: Meeting with Gary Vee & Vayner Media

For those that don’t already know, we spent the day with Gary Vaynerchuk and Vayner Media in New York two weeks ago as their first every Australian client in the Vayner Mentors program. Without a shadow of a doubt, we are also obviously the first dietitian company they have ever worked with; new frontiers. With […]

DEAR DIETITIAN: Protecting Yourself Legally

In today’s online world, opportunities to get your name out there and make some extra money can be plentiful – and worthwhile. However, how do you make sure what you’re doing is ethical and safe from legal blowback? Here are our tips on protecting yourself legally. While the right venture could make you, the wrong […]

Dear Dietitian: Money & Marketing Tips

Over the lifespan of Dietitian Life we’ve talked about how important marketing is in Dietetics and going through our videos we talk about many different areas and angles of marketing. Watch below for our special episode on the importance of marketing! For more tips and tricks, check out our website, Facebook or Instagram!

Dear Dietitian: Private Practice Advice and Tips

How did we end up working in private practice? The choice between working in hospitals VS in Private Practice can be overwhelming for new-grads so we thought we would answer some important questions on the subject! Check out our Private Practice special below For more tips and tricks, check out our website, Facebook or Instagram!

DEAR DIETITIAN: SPECIAL GUEST – Joe Leech: How can dietitians improve?

“The DAA is a major problem…” For this weeks episode of #DearDietitian we asked Sweden-based, online dietitian Joe Leech of Diet vs Disease: What do dietitians do poorly and how could we improve? Marketing is a Key Area Joe identified marketing as a key area of weakness for dietitians – but then realised that dietitians […]

What Does the Owner of a Nationwide Company do each day? Check it.

At present I am the Managing Director/Owner/Dietitian/Sports Dietitian for a series of award-winning dietitian businesses nationwide. Lately I have had many people asking me “what do you do each day?”, “how do you get through it all?”, “do you sleep?”, “how do you keep on top of everything?”. So, this post will be an attempt […]

Tyson’s Keynote Reflection

After Tyson’s Keynote Presentation at the DAA QLD Dietitian Symposium 2018, we ran a poll on Instagram asking whether you guys would be interested in a reflection video to go over some key points Tyson talked about, as well as many that Tyson wishes he talked about. Check out Tyson’s Keynote Reflection below! For more […]

Griffith University – Notable alumni Tyson Tripcony is writing his own story

See the original article here on the Griffith University website. The Article Tyson Tripcony graduated from our Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, Research in 2011 and is the Managing Director, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Accredited Sports Dietitian of Fuel Your Life, Sunshine Coast Dietetics, Correct Nutrition, Dietitian Life and Life Helix. Tyson is the personification of choosing […]

Top 10 Videos of 2018

2018 has been quite a year for us – we only started this channel in March and we already have over 100 videos! With that in mind we thought we would work our way through our channel and compile our Top 10 Videos of 2018 – let’s get started! 10. Dietitian Life: Special Guest – […]