Treating someone with Dyslipidaemia and High Cholesterol can be frustrating as a dietitian. A client is often referred to you for “high cholesterol’ and told to reduce their fat intake from their GP and given no targets for the goal lipid levels, let alone what the different types of cholesterol actually mean.
This module aims to upskill and empower you as the dietitian to understand how to assess an individual’s lipid levels, assess risk and be confident in communicating with the GP’s and the team, in order to advocate for more or less aggressive management and show them exactly why nutrition matters.
We don’t just want to hear you say to a client to reduce their saturated fat and increase their soluble fibre and that will lower their cholesterol. Instead, we will teach you what to ask, what to educate and recommend to your clients, along with implementing consistent language and nutrition strategies that are targeted to improve the PMS ratio and modulate inflammatory pathways. We will make you confident in knowing that your advice will work, and you actually know How To Treat Dyslipidaemia. So by the end of this module, you will be a better dietitian and one that represent what dietitians should truly be doing in the area of Heart Disease.