“The DAA is a major problem…” For this weeks episode of #DearDietitian we asked Sweden-based, online dietitian Joe Leech of Diet vs Disease: What do dietitians do poorly and how could we improve?
Marketing is a Key Area
Joe identified marketing as a key area of weakness for dietitians – but then realised that dietitians in Australia are STILL shackled by their inability to use testimonials to promote their services.
“How do you expect us to compete with nutritionists, naturopaths, “nutritionologists” etc. when we can’t use testimonials? – that’s dinosaur thinking” Joe explains.
Beyond just how this backwards rule can impact our business, what about our potential clients? How many people are being pulled in by testimonials from nutritionists and personal trainers and being given a lesser service, compared to what a dietitian could do for them?
Hell, many of our potential clients probably don’t even know what dietitians are since, due to reviews being locked, we’re anything but page 1 news on Google search.
Watch below to hear our full rant.
Watch time < 10 minutes